Our Approach
Our Approach
When you hand over a web site design project to Entertop. We take care of everything for you. We can handle everything from concept to design to programming to hosting to maintenance and promotion. We do all of this because you have more important things to do - like run your business.
We create excellent websites. That evidence is in our web site design portfolio. But we offer much more than merely designing your web site—our production process, capabilities, experience and web site stickiness get you a smart web site that works and saves you money.
Bottom Line... We Make You "Look Good"
Our Process
First, we consult with you to understand your project in detail. At this point, we offer immediate suggestions on how the project should go. Then we brainstorm and send a project proposal.
If your site requires designing, we will then give you several design images from which to choose. Pick the one you like best or combine ideas from several of these designs.
Next, we start the first stage of production and generate HTML for you. You will be able to see the progress of your site on your own staging server. This insures that we stick to your plan and you can see what is going on the whole time.
When the first version is ready, you will be asked to proof it and request changes. We put your changes into effect and keep making changes until you are completely satisfied. At last the site is launched. On time!

Our Capabilities
• HTML web design for web sites, intranets, and other web projects
• Content Management Systems
• Web site hosting, domain name registration, DNS and e-mail
• Macromedia Flash design and programming
• Website promotion and banner ad creation
• Web programming with databases (MySQL), PHP, CGI scripts, JavaScript, and more
• Daily, weekly, or monthly maintenance of web sites
• Custom applications such as: e-commerce, auctions, classified boards and the like.
• About anything web related
Our Experience
Our management and staff is experienced in web site development, design, e-commerce, and programming. We can handle any size web site. We also have four years of combined experience in business development and marketing. Entertop Network is a company that is qualified to assist you and your clients.
When you team with Entertop Network. you connect with our experience, which benefits your company and positively impacts your bottom line.
Our Specialty
We make you look good. Your site will stay fresh, work well, bring in traffic, and be used as a tool. It will be something you are proud of and will want to use in offline marketing.
Our team of web site designers, programmers, project managers and sales representatives will work to make your web site a success.